there's no real
love in you
Doris Day... What A Legend.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @ 12:49 AM Just listened to this song, and I can't get over how fantastic it sounds. So 1960s Parisian chic and boudoir-like. I simply cannot hide my absolute adoration and love for the old classics. Geez. So often I have wished I lived in the past. It beats today's trashy music, hands down, over and over again. This song really takes me back to a different era, it makes me imagine I'm in a 1960s cabaret with gentlemen in tweed coats smoking cigars and courtesans in skin-tight flare dresses dancing gaily around them. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps! When is it really the time?
Saturday, December 19, 2009 @ 7:58 PM Decisions, decisions, decisions. Decisions for things that have not yet arrived... ... Decisions for invisible, unpredictable, random, perhaps even unforeseen circumstances. I am afraid. You're like a hot air balloon, still tied and firmly attached to the earth by a thick rope. But the earth is getting loose with each minute the balloon fills up with steaming, searing, almost incandescent hot air. Like someone feverish with the anticipation of something new. I want to be inside the hot air balloon, I want to be in the basket and rise up slowly exploring the whole world with you. It will be fun, and exciting and mystifying, I promise. But I touch the balloon and quickly draw back, my hands are too hurt and burnt. Its too hot. Its almost unreachable. Untouchable, almost? The earth beneath the hook cracks. Its time. The thick rope is released, with a premeditated motion, almost cold and emotionless. Its been done a lot of times. Its just another cycle. You rise up slowly, leaving the earth... dizzy with excitement, ecstatic about the new world. Meanwhile I'm still grounded, firmly rooted. I call out your name. You hear me and reply, but your voice is now drowned out by the noisy, burning rage of fire. A tear rolls down my cheek. Its warm from the heat of the hot air balloon. It tastes salty. A quick shot of reality hits me. Am I destined to be on the ground forever? Should I go back to my roots? I know deep down I really yearn to... I dream to, long to, crave to. But I'm afraid. Of the whole world. Afraid of the whole world. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 3:55 AM OKAY. I KNOW IT. I WANT TO DYE MY HAIR. *firm and resolute tone* The straw that broke the camel's back came last night when I saw my bestfriend's hair in a very lovely shade of mahogany brown with delish caramel highlights. It looked so divine glowing in the light by the pool. But the thing is, what colour should I dye? Its not that I don't like my hair colour now, I am pretty satisfied with black. Heck, I've had it for 19 years. Also, the best colour that suits you is usually the colour you were born with. Hmmmmm. I'm thinking of dyeing my hair in a dark colour because I'm pretty fair. My face, that is. Can't say the rest for my body. Yeah, I know I'm duo-toned and weir. Did some research and I think I will be dyeing my hair at Clover Salon or Maison Hairmake in Far East. Both are highly recommended. So I hope it turns out well. Will post a picture here after I finish provided it does not look like a disaster. I'm willing to pay slightly more for my first time as I am a highly cautious person and very particular when it comes to my hair and skin. Thus, I would prefer my first dye job to NOT be BOTCHED. Anyway like any sensible and responsible person, I googled and found a picture. I like this colour. ![]() Note: Like me, she has pretty fair skin, although she's a little more cool-toned instead of the warm fair tones that Asians have. A rosy pink under-tone instead of the more sallow yellow undertones of Asians. Or something close to this colour. ![]() Girl on the extreme left. *Credits to* And I want to cut my hair shorter like this. ![]() On the RIGHT. *Credits to er, unknown girl on Flowerpod? Thank you for posting up your picture.* Anyway my hair kinda looks like the left now as you can see from my user picture on the sidebar. Unkempt, messy and a generally can't-be-bothered look. Okay, hope I don't look sallow and unhealthy in dyed hair or something. I need moolah. Wondering if I should take up the waitressing job at a cafe with dear Irene or go to Recruit Express in a vain attempt at finding another job. Or go back to my old company where my boss and colleagues were really nice to me and loved me. Thats what everybody has been telling me to do now. ARGH. I can't stand this tai-tai life anymore, hanging around and just doing nothing. Anyway, going to the ICA with Henry tomorrow, need to turn in early. Goodnight everyone! Okay, blog rehaul! And a slight update about my life.
Saturday, December 12, 2009 @ 3:35 AM After reading the previous comment left by an anonymous person, I felt so moved that I have actually decided to continue writing in this blog which has been left stagnant for the past year. So anonymous, whoever you are, thank you for your encouraging and inspiring comment. This is for you. :) Because my old template was expired, I had to choose a new one. Spent 3 freaking hours tweaking it to my preferences, eg. adding in a comment box and editing the line space, etc. I can't believe I am actually good at HTML but maybe its because I'm used to doing this after blogging for close to 4 years. The reason why I selected this template is because it is bright, clean and leaves me with enough space to voice out my thoughts with. It also has no distracting huge images or blingy signs, etc. Can't stand those. And also, dearest friends!! Don't you think this is so me?!?!?!?!!?! Anyway, I have no excuse to NOT update now, after all, because I have finished my A Levels and I am now at home everyday, doing nothing except researching about universities, updating my Twitter, watching Youtube tutorial videos, reading lolcatz and other random blogs. Basically, I'm being an absolute bum and leading a life which other students would gladly trade with. Initially, I thought I would love this moment but surprisingly I do not. I am bored to tears. Maybe its the after-effects of rushed and enthusiastic studying but I suddenly feel so useless and worthless having nothing to do. Its a complete 180-degree change from what I was 3 weeks ago. Thats why I will go search for work earlier than I have planned! However I will start work only next year, after I return from my trip to Vietnam over the Christmas holidays. Yup, will be going there with my family. I can't wait to visit Ho Chih Minh City, sit in a quaint french cafe and munch on toasted french baguette dipped into cafe sua da (ie. Vietnamese coffee). ![]() Cafe sua da. Btw, I have rather important and unfortunate (well, depends on whose point of view) news to update you all with. *warning: this part will be emo, mushy and contain unnecessary bits* To my dearest friends and readers, Henry will be going overseas to study in Australia next year March. He will be in the University Of Melbourne. Yes, its only in a few months from now. Basically he will be going on a 3 year course and he is taking Actuarial Science. A rather competitive course to get into but I had no doubts that he would get accepted as his results were stellar. I'm so proud of my boyfriend. :') We have decided to continue our relationship though. Currently, we've been together for 2.5 years and I am really thankful for him and appreciate him even today. However, a long-distance relationship will no doubt be challenging as it requires much effort from both parties to keep the communication going. He will visit me during his holidays or I may fly over during mine, whatever works out. I cannot say that I do not have doubts about this at times and whether it will really work out, but we are both willing to try this out and give in our best effort. So I really appreciate this fact right now. And I know we can go through anything since we have been through a lot. This will probably be our biggest challenge we have to face yet. So I hope you can offer me your prayers and well-wishes. Hope everything goes well! *end of emo and mushy part* Yeah, anti-romanticists and love cynics, you may now throw your eggs and tomatoes at me. Okay, anyway its really late now and I'm tired, going to retire for the day. |
![]() Hello, I am Jia Xin. 05/04/1990 psalm 27:4 my favourite things!
satisfying FOOD, cooking & baking, romantic and funny movies, shopping, going to the beach, Lisa Ono, Norah Jones, Diana Krall, Michael Buble, Aretha Franklin, all that jazz, Bossanova! And just hanging out with the people I love makes me happy :)