there's no real
love in you
Monday, August 03, 2009 @ 7:44 PM You know what I just realised? . . . . . . . That all my friends have grown up, finished their studies... And most have packed their bags and left for a foreign country to chase their dreams, in search of a brighter future. As I was replying HL and Sam's comments, did I realise how friends can grow up and mature so fast, and leave each other to pursue their seperate paths so soon. In the blink of an eye. It's like we're all splitting up and going in our individual directions, driving towards our own goal. The notion of friendship can be so fragile sometimes.
It might sound a tad selfish, childish and myopic for me to say this, but I suddenly hate growing up. Not in a "Don't-wanna-grow-up-cos-I'm-childish" way, but in a way - like, I'll lose all the precious sacred things of youth like innocence and "friends forever". But then again it also heals. It can heal our broken dreams and aspirations, of our past. Didn't we all grow up wishing to be superheroes, presidents or princesses? Weren't our dreams crushed as we hit the reality later that it perhaps, wasn't so easy? Thats why in a way, I think growing up can heal our broken aspirations by inspiring us to work harder and to fulfil our dreams (or the closest we can get, because not everyone can be an Obama) and eventually lead us to a standard. Our satisfied standard of success. But before success comes the realization, acceptance and struggle. I suddenly want us to still be like close friends again, like good pals, in the past, girls in blue uniform just playing and chatting and wondering innocently about life. The road ahead is still a big blur for me. How do we know if we're going to make it? Are we going to survive? Will we still remember each other 10 years from now on? . . . . . . . . . . I really hope so. You know what? No matter what, I'll always be here for you all. SOBZ. |
![]() Hello, I am Jia Xin. 05/04/1990 psalm 27:4 my favourite things!
satisfying FOOD, cooking & baking, romantic and funny movies, shopping, going to the beach, Lisa Ono, Norah Jones, Diana Krall, Michael Buble, Aretha Franklin, all that jazz, Bossanova! And just hanging out with the people I love makes me happy :)