Thursday, November 29, 2007 @ 1:26 AM
Get Your Own Quiz!, More Quizzes
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 @ 12:37 AM
Oh mann. I just spent 3 hours looking at how to curl hair. Haha. Am I damn lame or what. Nope, actually I think the correct word is: V-A-I-N . Yarrr. Sigh. What a vain-pot am I Tomorrow I am going to try to curl my hair with the Lucidol pre-curl water and romantic hair styling wax that I bought. Hope it will look nice. Just now, I was reading some of my old friends' blogs. And I realised that I really miss them, their personality, the funny jokes and real talks that we had last time. Those were truly friends I could connect with. And then, I'm wondering - what kind of people do you meet in life? There are some, true friends that will stay in your life for a long time (not possibly forever, I am old enough to know that friendship isn't 'forever', family is). And yet, there are some friends who will enter your life, and simply walk out a while later. This period can last for a few years or even as short as a few months. Sigh. The friends that I had back in SCGS were really my closest and bestest friends that I've ever met since. I could talk about anything with them, my deepest thoughts and fears, and not worry about them divulging it out to anyone. We would have a laugh about anything together, and could really connect. After I've entered JC , I've realised the friends I've met in here are more like friends whom you can go out and enjoy time with, and have fun together. Which is good, in a way. Perhaps the time length of 2 years is too short to connect with anyone or to be close to anyone, irregardless. And perhaps the student population here is so big that you find yourself mixing with anyone and everyone, from your class to CCA, to your friend's friends, instead of a few individually. JC is really a fun time, but to me, it is only a fun time. I really miss the feeling of being able to truly connect with and understand someone on a deeper level. Which is what I really do to my friends. Haha. I realise that Jasmine and Samantha think the same as me too. Do you? Perhaps, birds of a feather really flock together.
Monday, November 26, 2007 @ 10:04 PM
FUNNY TIME! Haha, I can't believe I'm so bored that I'm actually looking at JOKES! Sorry, but I don't have the habit of looking at jokes and I don't laugh at jokes since most of them are just lame and not funny. I remember, last time my ex boyfriend and I were browsing Youtube together, and we decided to type in the keyword, "funny" and see what would come out. I know. We were damn lame. Then we looked at various joke videos and showed them to each other. He commented, 'LOL' and showed me the link to a video. It was one where a toddler picked up a vibrating toy and just looked at it curiously. Then he started playing with it. I was like, "Huh? Haha? What's so funny about that?" He gave me a shocked look and said, "You don't know what's that?" I was like, "What?" He said, "Okay, tell me what is that." "Erm... isn't it a BULLET ? " He was like, "HUH?!?" and started laughing his head off . Cos I actually thought it was a bullet that was going to explode. Lol. But actually, it's not. You know what it is? It's a vibrator ! OMG. Silly me didn't know what was a vibrator then and I actually thought it was some grenade or something, hahaha. By the way, do GRENADES vibrate??? ******* Anyway, as I was saying I searched for some jokes and found a list. But some here are just lame and plain crude.
Sunday, November 25, 2007 @ 3:19 AM
Tired. Sometimes, the person whom you Place your trust in Listen to in times of need Willingly offer help and advice to And stand up for, all in the name of friendship . . . . . . Can just turn around and stab you in the back. Ah wells. What can I say? Shit happens.Sorry, I'll never believe you again.
Friday, November 23, 2007 @ 8:21 PM
How You Are In Love You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. - Yes, I need t ime to place my trust in someone, especially a guy. You tend to give more than take in relationships.- Yeah, cos I wanna make him happy. I like to make him cards, little gifts and food. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. - Yea. I miss someone easily x) You're secretly hoping your partner will change for you. You stay in love for a long time. You are loyal to your partner.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @ 9:42 PM
Cute babies! 1. "Whatever" 2. Blood! Okay, this one is really funny. The little boy in this video comes running to his dad and pointing to his baby brother, saying that he has 'blood' on his chin. Except that the way he pronounces the word 'blood' is really different, like 'blud-uh'. This makes the Dad crack up. The boy keeps getting exasperated that his Daddy doesn't get what he's saying and gets really pissed. At the last part he shouts, "NOT FUNNY!!!"3. Baby laughing at the Wii He cracks up watching his Dad play golf on the Wii. DAMNNN CUTE.
@ 12:50 AM
DAD'S BIRTHDAY! Today was my dad's birthday. I made an Oreo Cheesecake for him. Haha. It's super delicious. My bro said that it tasted better than the previous time. I think it's because I changed the brand of cheese. Lol. I will post the pictures up next time when I'm free. My mom bought him a shirt and a pair of pants. She actually bought HIPSTER pants. Haha, Jasmine I bet you are laughing at this now. My dad tried it on and my bro and I were immediately like, "Nooo... Daddy! You can't wear that!" Haha. My mom is gonna change the pants. At night, we went to eat steamboat at Marina. I haven't eaten steamboat for so long. My bro recommended the place cos he went there with his church group to eat the other time. It's actually a steamboat and BBQ, 2-in-1 sorta thing. I thought it was pretty nice. There was an area where we could go and take fresh food to cook. Correction. The food didn't really look very fresh. My mom taught me the other time how to look out for fresh food. For prawns, the head musn't be loose and hanging out from it's body, plus it must have some orange fluid in its head. I think the orange fluid is kinda gross. It's like some sort of mushed up brain matter. If I eat prawns, I always request for the head to be detached first. My mom and I went to go and take food while bro and Dad slacked at the table. We came back with HORDES of food. For those of you who know, my family eats a lot. We also tried BBQ-ing food and the oil kept splattering on us! I liked the BBQ-ed prawns and black pepper chicken. Anyway, the food there was so-so but I've tried better at Koka steamboat, which I absolutely love. If you're looking for something cheap, you can visit there though. After we finished the steamboat, we drove past Marina area and I saw this empty field. I remember when I was young, my parents used to bring me there to fly kites. I was really small then and didn't know how to control the kite and stuff, and I remember watching my Dad steering the kite and being really amazed at how a small colourful flag could soar so high up into the sky. Sigh. Wonderful childhood memories. On our way home, my bro and I started singing songs in the car. We sang all the way home.I had a wonderful day. Tired now. Gonna sleep!
Monday, November 19, 2007 @ 2:08 AM
Why must I do something that I do not like to do. Why am I forcing myself to do it even though I know it is beneficial on the outside but inside it does not really matter. Why do I have to be so concerned over such little things that might not mean anything to anyone; But means a lot to me. Escaping from something that I'm afraid of. Or rather face it. Grin and bear. Many times I tell myself to just go.GO. And when I finish each day, I give myself a pat on the back and congratulate myself, for doing something which is incorrect and yet theoretically correct. Is that the way of life? How ironic.
@ 2:08 AM
Why is it so.
Saturday, November 17, 2007 @ 8:01 PM
BAMBI Damn tired. I woke up today with a horrible pang in my stomach. It's one of those sharp, quick sudden ones that hit you in the middle of nowhere. Since it was 5 am, I took some pills and went back to catch some shut eye since band starts at 9am. Afterwards, I woke up again (while having this NICE NICE dream) due to the pain. Nah, it ain't cramps. Just think I got diarrhoea. Went to toilet. Came back and lie down for a while. Then go toilet. Then came back again and sat down. THEN WENT TOILET AGAIN!!! Omg. I think it's the most number of times I went on a repetive toilet escapade before. Suddenly I thought I would collapse or something. So I just went back to sleep. Even if I fainted, maybe I would faint in my sleep? Lol. Okay, that doesn't make sense anyway.
@ 2:14 AM
From stickgal's blog:How Dating Slowly Evolves Haha. Damn cute, FUNNY but true! Now before guys everywhere start protesting against these pictures, saying that "Aiyah, not true lah. Not all Singapore guys are like that!"Redemption: At least Stick Boy still gave Stick Girl some cash in the end to buy donuts. I really like the last part when she asked him for donuts, and he gave her money with that kinda BIG SHEEPISH GRIN. Then she had that -.-" look like that. Harharhar. So amusing! And the Indian selling donuts scene at Carrefour is so classic.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 @ 2:56 PM
Diary Of Another Girl Sorry this is in chinese, try to read it if you can. It's really sad. (BTW, this all happened in reality) 某人的心 话 我写 这些东西,只是我的日记。 没有任何意思要说谁的是非。 很多事情,就连我 “ 男朋友 ” 也不会体 谅。 身为别人的半个女儿,我父母的女儿。。。 当家母 (XXX) ,直接 说了以下的话时。。 她对着我说 “ 你父母不会教你。 Aunty 来教你。 ” 丈夫也 认为,我父母很不对。 当 XXX 欺 负我时, XXX ,丈夫也 认为我不对。 so 。。 我家人不对,我不对。 只有他们是对的。。。 很烦。。烦了几个月。 有半年了。 自从开始打算结婚。。。 结婚的念头,应该是今年二月开始的。 老实说,我忘记了。 我知道我不应该叫她 XXX 。 但是。。。经过很多事件过后, 我这样叫她,是尊敬她。 因为,他做过的很多事情,直接侮辱到我父母亲。 但是在他面前,我还是忍了下来,什么也没有说。 而丈夫永远都在 XXX 那 边。责怪我。和我家人。 我的感觉是什么。。。我的感觉已经 不是什 么感觉。 结婚当天,我知道我发脾气。 但是发脾气的背后是什么。。。。 我们吵架, 他又直接说了一句话。。 “ 不要 结婚了! ” 然后把我丢在房间里面, 我下去找他时, 他在吃着面,跟朋友聊天。 我很生气。 因为 X 月 XX 日我家 请酒当天,我父亲的好友, 帮忙我的酒席拍照,后来想请我当模特儿, 因为想参加一个摄影比赛,所以打算拍我 XX 号的婚礼照片。 一切都已经讲好了的。。。 然后在 XX 号那天。。。。。 下午打算出去拍外景时。。 我 “ 男朋友 ” 却一副 爱理不理的样子, 我在里面的餐厅等了很久, 他在外面聊 了很久。。。 摄影师在车上等了很久。。 结局就是。。不拍了! XXX 也插了一脚。。。不要拍了不要拍了。 好,不拍。 后来,前天,就是 XX 月 X 号那天。 我妹妹才悄悄告诉我。 其实那天那位摄影师很不满。 没有交代。。。 骂了我爸爸。。。。 但是我父亲什么话也没有告诉我。 就为了我。 所以说,我错?我冲动? 谁想过我大肚子穿着婚纱,很辛苦。 很难呼吸。 吵架就可以说,婚不要结了吗? 然后丢下我一个人在房间,自己下去吃午餐 ? 我的午餐是你 说要拿给我的,结果? 。。。。。。 是,我的错。我不对。 我 怀孕了, 但是从头到尾,我必须打扫家里,在店帮忙。 那天,杠了一个很重的锅,我的肚子很痛。 动了胎气。 即使我生病,想躺多一下。 XXX 会 说,为什么我一直在房间。 我的生活就是,每天陪着丈夫。。。。 在店,在家,去打球。 吸二手烟。没有胎教。 我还在大学念书的事情,我已经不想说。 每天赶上赶下,即使生病,即使怀孕着,即使考试着。。。 我还是会很开心地回去陪他。 即使隐瞒着怀孕的事情,我还是忍着什么都不对别人说。。 最后,受骂受侮辱的是我,和我家人。 他们,什么都对。 我做错了选择。 但是我 已 经无路可退。 XXX 说什么都是对的。 我结婚前几天,前几个月, 每天都在吵架。。。。。。。 委屈的是我家人。 我很后悔,真的。 但是我还是选择相信我的选择。 即使我支撑到不行,在巴士站昏倒,一个人每天忍着。 因为我一直认为, 但是微笑的背后,有着很多不可预知的秘密。 结婚当天,也许有人给我打的分数是 0 分。 但是我给自己打的分数是 90 分。 我给我父母打的分数是无价。 如果连我这种女子,都可以被你 -XXX 。。嫌弃。 我想知道,你 —XXX-- 认为,有谁配得起做你的媳妇。 某人,我宁愿你娶你以前 的女朋友, 我也不要嫁给你。。。 孩子,妈妈不知道要对你说什么。 因为,我连一个温暖的家都不能给你 。
This is the 2nd piece.
也許 ﹐我不該說太多。 可能﹐我說多了也沒有用。 自己的家事﹐自己處理。我明白。 這道理我懂得。女人嫁出去﹐就象豁出去的水。 前幾天﹐哪怕我這一生人都想忘記這回事的發生。 原本吵架對我而言﹐已經是家常便飯。可能我也習慣了淚水。 但是前幾天的事情﹐我重新感覺到了 XXX 的霸道。 今天我爸媽要拿東西給我﹐都要躲在一邊﹐偷偷抹抹。 天阿 ~ 我是誰。我還是我父母的女兒嗎 ? 前幾天﹐原本打算收工後就出去吃夜宵﹐拍拖拍拖一下。 正當我躺在床上﹐ " 晾干 " 指尖的指甲油。。 突然。。被丈夫叫下去﹐只見 XXX 開口就大罵我。 被罵得狗血淋頭。 原來在店裡就已經大事公告在大發脾氣了。吵什麼呢 ? 一些芝麻綠荳的事情。。 連我爸媽又被徹進來了。。XXX 最厲害的招數就是對著丈夫講。。 " 你去姓 X 好了 ! 別姓 O! 我沒有你這個兒子 ! " 好羅。。 丈夫就會對著我說。。" 你要走就走 ﹐要留就留。。 " 聽到這句話﹐我腦震蕩了許久﹐因為我真的不敢相信自己的耳朵。 我重複問了他。。 " 我 說 ﹐你要走就走﹐要留就留 !" 連孩子你都不要 ? " 你自己決定 !! 你的決定都不關我的事 !! " 我做錯了什麼 ? " 我媽不開心。 " 好。。。你寧願選擇你媽 ﹐都不要我和孩子。 " 是啊 ﹐這個就是我。 " 老實說﹐我想走。離開了就一走了之。 只要 XXX 發脾氣 ﹐接下來機個星期﹐我都會受到丈夫莫名的對待。 每天無時無刻都會被他罵的不像個人。 我想問 : 我是嫁給你 ﹐還是嫁給他媽 !!! 你娶我 ﹐還是你娶你媽媽 ! 這幾天每天都被他重複罵了再罵~~!! 全部都因為 XXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 丈夫這樣叫做愛我 ?? 他愛他媽!! 我只是個下人!!! 他有一種病 ! 叫做 mummy boy !!! 為什麼我要到了相處過後才後悔。。。 我很後悔﹐我居然愛上一個沒有男子氣概的男人 !! 我在這裡說這些事情﹐他也許會很難過。 可是他這樣對待我﹐我難道不難過馬 ? 我父母都不知道這些事情﹐我難道就這樣忍一輩子 ??? 我想離開﹐一走了之。 現在的我﹐極力讚同婚前同居﹐為什麼呢 ? 我寧願吃虧點﹐婚前同居﹐也不要結婚過後才來後悔 !!!! 這幾天﹐我每天過著流淚的日子。我很想死。離開這個世界。 我說真的。 被自己老公這樣對待﹐哪個女人不想死。 一 個永遠被 XXX 控制的男人 ﹐我嫁來干嘛。 我很後悔﹐我在結婚過後才真正看清楚。 一直以為結婚他會改﹐原來全部是徒勞。 也不必期望孩子生下後﹐他會愛我和他的這個家。 在他心中﹐永遠只有 XXX 的家才是他家。 他寧願選擇XXX ﹐也不要選擇我和孩子。 這個就是他。 作朋友﹐他真的是很好。 作男朋友﹐他也很好。 可是作為一個老公﹐一個爸爸。 我沒有任何意見﹐和看法。 因為我說再多﹐也沒有人會了解。 除非有人遇過 mummy boy 。才可以了解我的感受。 除非有人跟XXX 相處過 ﹐才知道我的痛苦。 真的很想離開這 個世界 ﹐跟孩子私奔到月球。 我最難過的﹐是我父親母親都要受苦。。。。 我自己辛苦都無所謂﹐最難過最難過的是。。我連累了我爸媽。 從前的我﹐覺得自己家裡不溫暖。 等到離開了自己的家﹐才知道。。溫暖的﹐才是自己的家。 XXX 可以為了。。。 很小很小的事情﹐就處處挑剔。 我肚子大了﹐很辛苦。喘不過氣來。這是貧血。 仍然的﹐應該的﹐我會去店裡幫忙。我沒有多說什麼。 可是﹐她還是會挑我的東西來說。 每天吸二手煙﹐但是在 XXX 看來 ﹐這沒有怎樣。 那天。我昏倒在店裡﹐全身痲痺﹐只有頭腦有一絲感覺。 嘴巴想說話﹐說不出來。肚子的寶寶﹐我感覺不到。 丈夫還是很凶的罵我。 我沒有力氣反抗。 最令我覺得﹐難堪的是。 我居然控制不到﹐流了尿出來。 很難堪。。 我想 說出來 ﹐心理會好過。 也不會怕別人笑。因為我心已經冷了半截。 丈夫之前﹐也許是愛我的。 但是只要 XXX ﹐他妹妹在﹐甚至他的庸人在。 我永遠是那個在最後一位﹐出於下人的人。 我也許表面很開心。 也許我不說﹐全世界都不會有人曉得這些事。 我想走﹐離開他。 離開一個這樣沒有用的男人。 可以犧牲自己的孩子和老婆﹐去討好 XXX 。 不然不滿意的時候﹐ 可以直 接叫我爸爸來載我回家。 這個叫做男人馬。。。 這裡的男人﹐有誰可以做到這種地步 ??? 我情願做未婚媽媽。 我情願扛個單身家庭。 走吧 ﹐就這樣離開吧。 我知道我是該這麼做了。 可我該﹐走到何處。。。。。 何時離開。。 。何時離開。。。。
Friday, November 09, 2007 @ 11:25 PM
Nice picture.
@ 9:51 PM
3 words. Hi SYF 09.
Friday, November 02, 2007 @ 4:38 AM
I will remember you. I remember listening to this song the night that my Grandpa passed away. Perhaps some of you are not very close to your grandparents, or perhaps they may even have left the world before you were born, but my Yeye held a very important and special place in my heart. He was one of the people that I loved most in this world. I put this song on replay, and just spent the whole night listening to its meaningful lyrics and crying to sleep. It's a beautiful song. 1 week before he died, I promised him that I would take him to eat his favourite food, laksa. He hadn't eaten laksa for a long time because of his weak health condition, it was best that he stayed away from oily and spicy foods. When he died, I was extremely devasted.Why didn't he wait? I thought. Why couldn't he just wait a little while more. I remember being the first at the hospital to break down when the doctor mentioned the word, "comatose". At first, I was just listening silently to his diagnosis. Tears began building up in my eyes, but I tried to control it. However, the more I listened, the more I couldn't hold it in anymore. And the tears just went down my face, like there was no tomorrow. My whole family stared at me in astonishment. But they could not do much to comfort me because they felt really sad themselves. My grandpa died when a blood vessel ruptured inside his brain, causing internal bleeding and the permanent disability of his bodily functions. I felt his pain. That night, I listened to this song countless times. Even though he did not understand English, I believed that perhaps far away, really high up in the heavens, he was watching over me sleep and listening to every single lyric of this song. Don't cry, he said. Don't cry. I will always remember you. And so I dedicate this to him, because his 1st death anniversary is coming up soon.I love you Grandpa , and won't ever forget you.
Hello, I am Jia Xin.
psalm 27:4
my favourite things!
satisfying FOOD, cooking & baking, romantic and funny movies, shopping, going to the beach, Lisa Ono, Norah Jones, Diana Krall, Michael Buble, Aretha Franklin, all that jazz, Bossanova! And just hanging out with the people I love makes me happy :)
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