there's no real
love in you
Saturday, March 17, 2007 @ 6:07 AM So happy tonight :) Shall tell you why tomorrow. Tuesday, March 13, 2007 @ 12:53 AM I can safely say in my life sometimes, I've made the wrong choices... What to do? Who to go out with? Who not to go out with, who to talk to, who not to talk to. (Okay, not like I really don't talk to people hehe) And what I should have done at the right moment, I did not do sometimes. I understand, people make mistakes sometimes. But some of these mistakes cost me valuable friendships. For example, I really wish to apologise to a person today. Yeah actually. I did this once before but I felt that it wasn't really sincere and coming from my heart. So. This person really hurt me before and I could not acknowledge or forgive this person for about one year. A few hours earlier I was surfing friendster (ah, the wonders of a nice gossipy website where you can take a peek at other peoples' lives haha. or probably see how narcissistic one can really get - but really, thats the idea isn't it?) and I came across the page of said person. I deleted this person off my contact list before. I did it after the incident happened. We just got into a major row. Rather stubbornly too, and I think I was being childish. And now as I look at this person, I think - actually, why did I say those stuff to him? Well for one thing, it was really hurting. And then as I looked again, I thought. Actually, why did I even go out with him in the first place? I thought that perhaps if I kept him as a friend it would have been better. Actually, it would have turned out better. Thats why... I believe that sometimes in life you make the wrong decisions, and in the end you make a mistake. But humans learn from all mistakes alike, just as I did from the above issue. I learnt that Prince Charming doesn't always ride on a golden horse. I learnt how to accept a person as who he/she is, and still love him/her no matter what. Even as my friends. I learnt how to be contented with the basic stuff. The necessities. Seriously. I was asked this question by a friend before, what do you look for in a partner? And I used to think, he must be handsome and cute (like Wentworth Miller), blah blah. Even better if he's rich. Then really like Prince Charming mah. But now I have realised that what I look for in a partner is that: 1) He must love for who I am 2) Someone who truly cares. Okay, tadah! That's my idea of a dream guy. Whilst some friends around might go, "Walau. So you mean he's ugly also can meh?" and meanwhile they start dishing out their entire list of eye candies. I say, yes. It is. Prince Charming is now passe. Now I know what I really want. And I also know that I made a lot of mistakes in the past. Such as probably starting to get close to the above mentioned guy, whose name will not be revealed. Yeah. As I look closer at him, I wonder what made me attracted to him in the first place. I used to think that he was really cute. But now he actually doesn't seem that way. :) Horrors of horrors. Actually, I have an idea of a cute guy in mind. And he wears specs! Besides that, he doesn't club. He looks clean and responsible. Haha. ARGH. Maybe I'm in my nerd phase now. Oh and I forgot to mention, my dream guy should not smoke, can drink (yeah duh. if a man doesn't drink, he's not really a man isn't he?) and should not be a party animal. He should be the kind who goes clubbing but doesn't like it. Haha okay this is seriously retarded IN OTHER WORDS, He should be stable and mature. And use his money wisely. And yeah. He should love me and take care of me. Hehe OKAY. I have just revealed my dream guy to the world Haha. Okay I'm happy. Meanwhile, I know my goals for this year already. Goodnight to you people (: PS: About the angst-filled entries below, I have totally gotten over the issue. I'm talking to that person now and everything is solved so you know, yaye :) Friend friend already lah Monday, March 12, 2007 @ 11:33 PM posted on 08 Mar 2007 05:03 " Hello! Catholic Junior College Symphonic Band & Catholic Junior College Alumni Band will be performing in our annual concert, Con Fuoco V. Featured pieces we're playing include the World Premiere of a comissioned piece entitled Flame of Glory, Hymn to the Sun, Watchman Tell Us of the Night, the Local Premiere of Feste Romane, Bolero, Summer in Central Park. Do support us and come have an enjoyable evening! Concert Title : Con Fuoco V Venue : Catholic Junior College Performing Arts Centre, 129 Whitley Road Time: 7.00pm Ticket Price: $10 Those interested in buying tickets, please email me at Cheers, Isabella " Otherwise, please contact me at |
![]() Hello, I am Jia Xin. 05/04/1990 psalm 27:4 my favourite things!
satisfying FOOD, cooking & baking, romantic and funny movies, shopping, going to the beach, Lisa Ono, Norah Jones, Diana Krall, Michael Buble, Aretha Franklin, all that jazz, Bossanova! And just hanging out with the people I love makes me happy :)