there's no real
love in you
Monday, November 27, 2006 @ 2:55 AM I've just started playing The Sims lately, all over again. It's a classic game. Apparently, the last time I played it was two years ago and I got so sick of it that I decided to give myself a long hiatus or something. And then my comp crashed. And so MILLIONS of dollars were lost (fake lah, of course) because I had spent the time building up a massive Sim empire and getting jobs for my precious Sims and sending their children to school with straight As. I even climbed the career ladder for Mr Pleasant and made him the President. And on the way, I realised that most Sims can be mighty cruel. Such as, Mortimer Goth had 3 mistresses not including his wife Bella, who got pretty pissed when she found out and started slapping them all. Ouch. Well, I made Mortimer elope with one of his mistresses in the end and he just left Bella alone with their daughter (I forgot what's her name) even though he was the sole breadwinner of the family. Double ouch. Anyway, the reason why I am playing the Sims is because I can't install the expansion packs like Hot Date and Vacation. Though I suppose if I had Hot Date, things would get more spiced up with his mistresses. Sigh. Jeremy has agreed to lend me Sims2! Yaye Now I can burn it. Midnight madness. Aight, back to my game. Sunday, November 26, 2006 @ 6:23 PM ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so bummed!! I accidentally erased the memory card with my prom pics. Great. The one with 5 pictures. Now I have only one picture left cos I managed to save it in time by hitting the cancel function button repeatedly. Why do such bumming things happen to me sometimes? Anyway, here is ze photo. ![]() (Left to Right: Qian, Me) Qian looks PRETTYY! :) Note that my fringe looked like straw so I really had to pin it up impromptu. Mich said that my fringe looked flat. WY told me not to worry cos it's sorta the latest fashion to pin your fringe up now anyway, haha. Great. Haha. Question: How long do fringes take to grow? I really really hope it'll even out in 2 weeks. Tough luck. Anyway, gonna visit my gramps now :) Kinda miss them cos I haven't seen them in a month. Please send me pics everyone! Saturday, November 25, 2006 @ 7:52 PM Woke up at 4:30pm today. I'm listening to MYMP now. It's this slow soothing song called Especially for You. Was introduced to this relatively unknown band by Michelle Lai. I love the leading vocals, she sounds pretty sweet. Anyway, I forgot to add that during prom yesterday there was this new band playing called Giants Must Fall. They're already signed on by Universal Music (?). Not bad. And the lead singer is this girl playing bass in my church. I didn't notice her until Mich pointed it out to me, haha. Alright. Gonna meet her at Starbucks right now. Lazy saturday. @ 3:23 AM I can't wait to go to KOREA next week! Meanwhile, prom should have been a blast. But I guess I still love my grandpa a lot. Still in the down mode. Doesn't help that I got a choppy fringe yesterday. My curls make me look like Goldilocks with straw stuck in the front. I'm trying to outgrow my fringe now. Grow, fringe, grow. Maybe I should water it. What made the day worse was that my camera died after taking 5 shots. Thank you, Olympus. *** I almost felt shocked when the angmoh guy referred to me and jasmine as beautiful girls yesterday. He's kinda old. But. I mean, me? His wife/girlfriend was just behind and I could almost feel her icy dart like stares hitting my back. Scary. It's like telepathy between women. Almost like the kind in movies where you see a girl with her husband/boyfriend and another guy who likes her/was her ex, and then the two guys look at each other straight in the eyes and clench their fists or something. Hidden men language. It's universal. I could just feel him looking at us. AH. I was like, can I get out of this lift soon. And jas was still in her happy, I-don't-know-anything mode. Counting the portraits on each level as the lift descended. On a side note, foreigners do have better manners than most Singaporeans. The angmoh guy actually stepped aside and let jas and I walk out of the lift first. He said, "Ladies first," and smiled. It is the first time in my life I've heard someone other than a bellboy or doorman or butler say that to me. It's really a priviledge. Although he seemed a little lecherous, it made me feel honoured. Well, I do get let out of the lift first by some random Singaporean guys sometimes but the magic word is in "Ladies first", you know? Sounds a little James Bond-y. It has the wow effect if done properly. Ever wondered why James Bond is old and not really appealing but he still manages to snag all the hot babes like Halle Berry and Salma Hayek? Thats because he's a gentleman. It's kinda like inner beauty from within. Good thing is, every guy can achieve that. I remember I used to hang out with this friend of mine who is a guy, and he would hold the lift door and even hold my hand to bring me across the first step of the escalator (which is quite unnecessary, actually) just so that I wouldn't fall on my heels. Perhaps he thinks that all girls are so weak. Which actually makes me wonder, which guy would do that? Although it may seem unnecessary, he is gentlemanly. It's a good way to snag girls. Maybe Singaporean women don't get treated well enough, haha. Kidding. *** I just realised that the Regent looks beautiful at night. And I thought it was 4 stars. Wouldn't mind staying there, actually. There are plants on every level and the plush carpet makes it look so grand. I love dim lighting because its flattering and it makes everyone glow from within. It's also kinda romantic, eh? I seriously would consider the Regent for any future celebrations. It's not really high end but good enough for me. What made the day good was that I was so touched by the video that I almost cried. On the whole, prom was okay. THE AFTER PARTY WAS A BLAST. Hanlin should totally have gone to me and Sam to do her hair and make up. For free. PS: Meanwhile, I feel much better now. Let out everything today! Thank you Mich and Wanyin :) To Mich: You've always been my good friend. I can't thank you enough. You're always listening to my problems too and more than willing to share your time with me. You're also someone I can turn to when I need practical and straight-to-the-core advice. Our personalities are about the same. You're someone I can go crazy with and then give "Errr..." looks later. Haha. Thank you, I feel much better now :) To Wanyin: I guess it was just a case of letting our emotions get the better of us. I'm glad things are back to normal! Anyway, just wanna let you know that I treasure you as my friend. We share the same taste in clothes and actually I think we are quite similar in some ways too. Thanks for listening to me about my grandpa. Don't worry. we'll find another plan for the sentosa group outing soon :) So, movie outing on still? Wednesday, November 22, 2006 @ 3:56 AM Because i'm not allowed to post your song, I'm posting the original version of it. Sounds way better. Haha. But your's is more sincere and it can't compare to this. Heh. Oh wells. COME BACK SOON!!! @ 3:55 AM song I know we haven't talked in months. I thought I was gonna forget you. But today I opened an envelope in my letterbox. I read what you wrote for me and I cried. And the song you sang on the video. You told me not to post it on else. Duh. Haha. Although you sang off tune sometimes and it wasn't as nice cause I was laughing like mad! Haha. But it was from your heart. It was very touching and sweet. It moved me and I don't cry often. Yep, happy birthday. Thank you. I miss and love you. Finish your training soon so that we can talk. Yep I know I may be going to JC soon and then we'll be in two different places. But it doesn't matter right? Because we can cope. We've coped for the past year. I never knew you treated me as your best of friends. It's hard for a girl to understand a guy. Sometimes I don't know what you're thinking about or how you feel. I'm sorry. Although I already have a bestfriend. You will be my best GUY friend. You understand me a lot. You know I'm fickle and I'm stubborn. You always know what I'm gonna say. Thats why you never let me choose my stuff. You know all my bad and good points. Come back soon. Spend christmas with me. We're supposed to play with fake snow remember? And take pictures and sing at the beach and do everything under the sun. I love you. Love Jia @ 3:25 AM I know we haven't talked in months. I thought I was gonna forget you. But today I opened an envelope in my letterbox. I read what you wrote for me and I cried. And the song you sang on the video. You told me not to post it on else. Duh. Haha. Although you sang off tune sometimes and it wasn't as nice cause I was laughing like mad! Haha. But it was from your heart. It was very touching and sweet. It moved me and I don't cry often. Yep, happy birthday. Thank you. I miss and love you. Finish your training soon so that we can talk. Yep I know I may be going to JC soon and then we'll be in two different places. But it doesn't matter right? Because we can cope. We've coped for the past year. I never knew you treated me as your best of friends. It's hard for a girl to understand a guy. Sometimes I don't know what you're thinking about or how you feel. I'm sorry. Although I already have a bestfriend. You will be my best GUY friend. You understand me a lot. You know I'm fickle and I'm stubborn. You always know what I'm gonna say. Thats why you never let me choose my stuff. You know all my bad and good points. Come back soon. Spend christmas with me. We're supposed to play with fake snow remember? And take pictures and sing at the beach and do everything under the sun. I love you. Love Jia Monday, November 20, 2006 @ 2:55 AM A song I wrote when I was thinking about the rain. I can't believe I took so long To find out who you are Winding down the road We always walked You're like a forgotten past Pages of a scrapbook Untouched Skin upon skin Sin upon sin Thrills on the ID You ignore Well, let me tell you It's wrong It's wrong It's totally wrong Have you ever wondered? How rain falls in the ebony As you fling And curse, you know How tears fall Swathed in red satin Six inch stilettos She's dressed to kill But Queen took a swipe And you fell back She kisses your sins Ebony in the white Well, its just a tan silhouette Covered Covered in tears Covered in tears @ 2:32 AM Tomorrow's officially prom dress searching day! Yeah yeah yeah yeah hehe Anyway, if you see me online I think I'll be the last person you might wanna ask about my prom dress because I totally have nooooooooo idea. Really. I don't know what colour I want and all. Argh. Shopping just gives me a headache at this point. And I can't believe Shiseido offers free make up services, well according to Jasmine. Should I still go for A_ _ _ _ _ _? I have to take note of my budget. Not like someone who got his suit for $198 at Raffles Tailor. Wow. Heh. All I know is that I want sky high heels. Saturday, November 18, 2006 @ 4:59 AM I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! This is when I can start watching korean dramas and going out with my friends all over again. And go to church without having to wonder if I'm able to catch the early train home in time to revise my work! I love life. So this is what life is for. Wednesday, November 15, 2006 @ 11:40 PM Today, a guy from my old chinese class friend asked me out to watch Phantom of The Opera. At the Esplanade. Apparently, it's next year. I have never watched a musical before! Heh. And he's paying for everything. Including dinner at Chijmes. I couldn't believe it. But oh wells. I am pretty sure my mom will not let me go. Sigh. I really wanna watch the show! My first musical. ARGH It's really nice of him though. I wanted to pay but he did not allow. He's loaded. I feel bad but I really wanna go! Haha. Oh please. Should I go? But if I go, I have a feeling the boyfriend may not like it. Plus my mom. If I go, I'll get to watch the SHOW. Should I sacrifice my feelings or his? I'll sacrifice mine. So no, I'm not going. Anyway, after we talked about it, we came up with Plan B. The Boyfriend pays for his share and I pay for mine. No dinner at Chijmes. (I haven't stepped into Chijmes before, but oh wells. Haha) So after a little more haggling. I managed to clinch a sweet 15% deal. Sounds like the merger terms between Spore and Malaya. SO NOW THE BOYFRIEND PAYS 85%! Mwahaha. Oops. I can't wait. Musical Musical Musical -sings- I love Musicals!! @ 11:32 PM My dream prom dress ![]() ![]() Saturday, November 11, 2006 @ 1:30 AM Thats it. I've decided. I shall make a list of items on what I'm going to do on the last day of O Levels! And onwards 1. Burn my textbooks. Especially Biology. 2. Clear my room again 3. Yell in joy! 4. Get rid of all the pent up mugging angst 5. Go to church for rejuvenation 6. Watch Autumn in My Heart in 24 hours! No mean feat. 7. Do my hair for prom (HOW?? question still remains) 8. BUY A PROM DRESS. Very overdue. 9. Buy a backless prom dress. And onwards... 10. Shop for nice heels. 11. Clutch? 12. Remember not to curl my hair if possible. 13. Listen to Alicia 14. Go shopping with my bestfriend at Vivo City! 15. Very impt. Watch a movie with wanyin, sujun and jiwei (: 16. Save up money to buy a bunny to surprise him 17. Go for cooking lessons, particularly in baking 18. DO MY NAILS FOR PROM!! How could I forget!? 19. Make a checklist for prom so I don't turn up with something missing. 20. Buy an ipod 21. Paint my room deep magenta 22. Get a new phone if possible. 23. Get those kinda romantic curtain thing-ys to hang above my bed. 24. Plan Sam's surprise birthday Last but not least, 25. Plan pool games for the chalet! And 26. Embrace learning all over again. Also embrace him. Haha SEEYERS. @ 1:27 AM I love lazy nights where I just curl up in bed with a good book and get ready to sleep. The good book is my textbook. Oh please. Will it end soon? 3 more papers. Friday, November 03, 2006 @ 6:48 PM 18-10--06 Goong 2 NEW CASTS REVEALED MBC News Well, I hope it'll still be as good. Thursday, November 02, 2006 @ 11:43 AM I thought of how my friend was trying to ward off a guy by claiming she was a lesbian (duh, not) and I smiled. Okay Evil. Sorry sometimes I just really can't help it. After 6 months of courting... Pete: Actually, I have something to tell you. I like you, Ling. Ling: Huh? As if she didn't know. Girls have that innate sixth sense. Pete: I have f-feelings f-f-for you M-Mei Ling... Ling: Oh. Yeah. Actually, I have something to tell you too. Pete: Huh? Ling: I'm, er, not exactly straight? -Long pause- Pete: Huh. You gotta be kidding. Ling: Nope, I'm not. Wanna see my surgically enhanced _____? Harhar. How comical. I wonder if the guy was heart broken. Or would he be shocked? How would you react in this situation? Pretty and sweet girl you like, the next thing you know, she's unavailable in the worst way possible. Oh wells. Poor guy? |
![]() Hello, I am Jia Xin. 05/04/1990 psalm 27:4 my favourite things!
satisfying FOOD, cooking & baking, romantic and funny movies, shopping, going to the beach, Lisa Ono, Norah Jones, Diana Krall, Michael Buble, Aretha Franklin, all that jazz, Bossanova! And just hanging out with the people I love makes me happy :)