there's no real
love in you
Sunday, September 24, 2006 @ 11:49 AM Geeeeeee why can't friendster start up? I'm so pissed. Pissed. Pissed. ARGH. Now I can't accept a new testimonial. And knowing that I don't really sign on except on sundays, that leaves my testimonials to colect and pile up till the end of the week. Wowee. Thanks friendster. I shall proceed to un-install mozilla and try again. Maybe it's the browser's fault. PS: As a side-note, you should really try vegetarian noodles. It's yummy and delish. Oh dear. Never thought about it that way before. Tuesday, September 19, 2006 @ 12:41 AM I keep replaying the video and each time I hear you sing to me it just melts my heart all over again. Stop it. Saturday, September 09, 2006 @ 2:35 PM You're back. I'm so happy! Ahaha :) I'm sorry if I don't reply you at times (well actually everytime) because my prelims are here and it's mugging period for me! I'm dead beat. And to everyone who send messages or call my phone please don't do it because I will not be answering for 2 weeks. Heh And here's a song for you I thought out of a whim after a long day of Chemistry. Whenever I am feeling low I look at your message and I know There is this guy in the world who loves me Because he sacrifices all for me He's two years older Tan and tall at 1.78 While I'm so short Yes, my growth spurt has passed And I wonder how you ever fell in love with me When I'm so short. You bring warmth to my lonely nights, Spent slogging over books AMaths and Chemistry It gets me all crapped out. But I love you Truly As my senses tell me You're my one and only You're always sweet and caring You do make me laugh Even though your jokes are stupid You're really fun to be with And then you have your sensitive side Thats what I appreciate about you Most. I miss you Truly I miss hearing you sing Even though it's off-tune I wish you would come home soon And you're probably having fun with your friends now Jet-sking 0n coral island I wish I could not have prelims And go scuba-dive I love you Truly Well maybe, I just miss you But anyway I do hope you enjoy yourself my dear Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah (x5) Okay so the song was crap. I made up the Yeah Yeah part myself cause I didn't know what else to write. And yes, I was very bored. I shall not tell you what tune it is sung to. You'll laugh your head off, really. Sigh. When will prelims end? I really miss you Jasmine Ngu. Funny how I do not miss all my friends but I only miss you! What if you end up in JC somehow and I'll end up in poly? That will be so different from what we're thinking now. I really think I'll cry and hug you the last day in school but let's not get emo now. I'm gonna make you a farewell present. I love my bestfriend! And that means you, Jasmine Ngu. Even though we're never really official but ah well, what the heck. I say you means you lah :) I love Snow Patrol too. I love You God. I love my Mom, my Dad and my brother. And my grandparents on both sides and also my whole extended family. Including that distant cousin who used to like me and I liked in return after I found out, haha. He looks like Edison Chen. Nope I'm not kidding. But then again, maybe I was just being childish. Thats another story! And I love YOU. Really I just love everybody in the whole wide world cause I feel like a million bucks today. Wednesday, September 06, 2006 @ 6:06 PM Steve Irwin - RIP February 22 1962 to September 4 2006 |
![]() Hello, I am Jia Xin. 05/04/1990 psalm 27:4 my favourite things!
satisfying FOOD, cooking & baking, romantic and funny movies, shopping, going to the beach, Lisa Ono, Norah Jones, Diana Krall, Michael Buble, Aretha Franklin, all that jazz, Bossanova! And just hanging out with the people I love makes me happy :)